During the day, and often onwards into the evening, I’m gainfully employed as a Product Manager at Neo4j. My brief covers web services API strategy including delivery of our GraphQL libary. Its very humbling to be able to work with a very smart collective of people on those efforts.

Back in the day I had desires of being a professional software developer; even went as far as accumalating a degree in software engineering ( it was a pass. See ‘Drinkers Degree’ in any knowledge base ). Turns out that was a perfect case of talent overreach but I’ve kept an interest and can produce a ‘Hello World’ application in at least 2 languages.

Developer outcomes is a key focus area in my area and I’ve embarked on understanding more by trying it myself. So it’s off to learn more about Javascript, React and using GraphQL to construct web apps.

I’ll be living in interesting times for the foreseeable future.


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Starting out with the Aura API
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We built a thing